Sunday, March 8, 2009

Attending April Workshop!!!

I will be traveling out to Astoria, Oregon for a workshop called "The Dragon Kiln Crosses Cultures".It is a two-week event intended for all artists in the region who are interested in the Anagama pottery experience. The event will include a lecture at the CCC Performing Arts Center, featuring a visual presentation by Jack Troy and traditional Japanese koto music by Mitsuki Dazai, a 2-day clay making class, and a 6-day hands-on firing workshop in which the pieces brought or created will be fired in the Astoria Dragon Kiln. Along with the lecture and workshops, Professor Troy will exhibit his most recent Anagama work at the CCC Art Center Gallery.
I will be attending thanks to the generous support of the Ohio River Border Initiative who awarded me with a fast track grant to cover the cost of the workshop.
I am really excited to work with Jack Troy, Richard Rowland, and the Astoria Dragon Kiln community!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Firing the Beaver Calcine Kiln

I fired the Beaver Kiln this week! It was pretty exciting just to fire a kiln and play with the fire. I loaded the small chamber with Beaver bones (to use in a glaze), Deer bones (to use in the making of a clay body), and seashells (for use as a whiting in a glaze). I also loaded the kiln with cone packs, just as a temperature test, and the kiln worked beautifully for calcining materials! I dropped cone 08 in the chamber and that was hot enough for the purpose of the kiln.