These three Beaver tails were fired in the Astoria Dragon Kiln in April as part of the workshop that I attended. The rest of my work went through a major mishap with UPS and the little that survived the cross country journey arrived to late to be included in this firing. (It was very graciously fired in the next firing and I hear with good results...)
These pieces I traveled with on the plane (and had a hard time getting through airport security with bisqued beaver tails) where they lost my luggage and I thought the beaver tails as well. But luckily I received my bags and at least was able to fire them in the river of fire that is the Astoria Drgon Kiln.
They are a first step in a conversation with the beavers here in Ohio...
Many thanks to those who are a part of the community that swirls around the Astoria Dragon Kiln!