Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year Beaver!!

So a Beaver has moved in down the road here in Ramsey!! He lives below a bridge and you can watch him swim beneath the ice.
Beavers here are so amazing in that they can work with the water here to transform the landscape.
Building my kiln sometimes feels to me like a beaver trying to build his beaver hut...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas Shopping!

Just in time for Christmas shopping, my pottery is available in Wheeling, WV at the Artisan Center Gallery ( Check out there website for hours, directions, and info )
And also available at Mulberry Corner Gift Shop located in Mt. Pleasant, OH (740-769-7639 for more info)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Kiln Work continues!!

In April we will have a show on the 3rd floor of the Artisan Center in downtown Wheeling, WV. That is my deadline for not only finishing, but successfully firing this Kiln at least once (hopefully twice).
The stone buttressing up front is close to being finished (I love how the stone walls blend into the Kiln). I have a lot of work to do in the back though...and I need more stones....
The first layer of the Kiln arch is almost complete as well. The arch is touching in the front and and back, and has reached the same level as the top of the loading door...
So close, yet still so much more work to do...

Monday, November 22, 2010


Went and gathered another load of arch bricks from the pottery today... Honestly, I can't remember just how many loads I have gotten from there (Maybe 45-50??).
Hopefully I will only need maybe one more trip for supplies before the Kiln is finished...
Thanks to those who have helped me gather bricks and supplies from the Pottery over the years:
Melanie Steffl
Carl and Brenda Besece
Richard and Patti Rowland
Todd Hager
Eric Knoche
Ritchie Mcfarland
Cilla Russell

Friday, November 19, 2010

Black Sheep Vineyard Show Success!!

Thank you to everyone who came out to the Vineyard last Saturday to see our work! Your support was very much appreciated!
The great photos were taken by my friend Miranda Sherman.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Getting Ready For Saturday Show!

I was barely able to pull off in time a Pit Fire for our exhibit at Black Sheep Vineyard this coming Saturday! I made a dozen pieces which I burnished and loaded in the pit this morning. A few I even was able to soak in the Orange Creek before firing them.
Come by on Saturday and I will show them to you!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Kiln Work Continues...

As I am nearing the top of the Kiln's caternary arch, I have decided to start working on the buttressing of the sides. I started on the left side and am building a small rock wall in front, and using boards on the side. I also have to leave a space for side stoking...
I have coated the kiln wall with an insulation layer so that it would be coated when I fill in the buttressing area with dirt, stone, and old bricks. I am going to build another rock wall on the right side as well...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Upcoming Show at Black Sheep Vineyard

Saturday November 13th, 1:00 through the evening
Black Sheep Vineyard, 1454 US Route 250, Adena OH 740-546-3741

Using their different mediums, Benjamin, a wood-fire potter, and Melanie, an oil painter, create work with similar themes.
Benjamin, who is from the Pacific coast of Oregon, creates wood-fired pottery with a steady, focused patience resonating of his home. He was trained to search out and incorporate local materials into all aspects of the process of making his work. Wood-fired work involves a long, intense process and origina...ted in Korea, Japan and China. The last 50 years has seen a new movement in the western areas to practice this very old art form with a new voice. Locally, there is an abundance of clay and wood. Since moving with his wife Melanie to the area, he has been intrigued by the faded presence of the old pottery industries along the Ohio River and in the hills. Benjamin is currently finishing building his own wood-fire Anagama style kiln with bricks re-claimed from the old Scio Pottery. He intends to create work which reflects the wood and materials available here.
Melanie, whose home is the Ohio Valley, creates oil paintings that tell stories about the hills, creeks, hollows, fields and woods here above the Ohio River. She has a BFA in Fine Arts, but is certain experience has taught her more than class-work. Melanie also pursues the process in her art: she chooses to always work on site (plein aire painting.) Inspired by those who work with the land, she attempts to mimic their ethics and dedication to physical labor by hiking with her paints and easel to each location to paint. Locally, Melanie has always been fascinated by the complexity of the landscape in our area and all the possibility it seems to contain.
Melanie was currently the Artist in Residence at Acadia National Park in Maine.They spend half of the year here near the Ohio River and the other half next to the Columbia River in Astoria, Oregon.

Trip to Maine!

My first trip up to New England is all thanks to my wife, Melanie for being selected to be the Artist in Residence at Acadia National Park in Maine. Not only was it beautiful, but there were potters everywhere! It seemed that there was a different pottery every five miles! It was exciting to see that, but I wonder why I don't really here about Maine pottery since it seems to be doing so well?
I was able to visit two wood kilns while I was there. One was a Train Kiln at Watering Cove Pottery in Prospect Harbor. And the other was built by Charles Grosjean at Hog Bay Pottery (
Well, back in Ohio now and Back to my Kiln!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Arch Work Continues

Since I had decided to use mainly arch bricks for the construction of the arch, I now have to first gather them from the old pottery, haul them here, clean them, lay them on the previous layer of brick, measure out and cut the bricks to make the rounded Kiln form, THEN lay them down with mortar...
I am now 10 rows up the arch on both sides (about halfway there!)
Brick by brick.........

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Arch Work

The arch is slowly growing as I add layers to it. 4 rows up now on both sides... Have enough arch bricks to do a 5th row and then need to go and get some more. Slowly but surely this Kiln will be built!

Friday, July 16, 2010

New work!

So my kiln building has been on hold while I try and buy a truck. I have decided to use more arch brick for the rest of the Kiln, which means I have to go get them. I think I have this small setback figured out now and went and picked up 100 more bricks yesterday in my new truck!!!
Here are some pics of my latest work I brought back with me from Oregon. They were fired in the Astoria Dragon Kiln. Hopefully the next work that I show on here will have been fired in my own Kiln!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bricking up the arch!

Mortared down the first layer of bricks for the Kiln arch. Have to cut several brick on each row to gain the rounded shape of the Kiln, but not a problem using a Skilsaw and a Diamond tipped blade!
I see that I will need more arch brick though....

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wood Form Finished!!

I was finally able to track down some 3000 degree mortar in Pittsburgh. So I reformed my firebox grate system and touched up my side loading door using the mortar.
And I finished up the wooden form!!!!!
Trying to take care in finishing up all the details.
Next step is to brick the actual Kiln form!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Kiln Progress

The wooden support form is now almost completely on! I just have to tie it into the brick loading door...
Had a minor setback...while working on the frame I was inside the Kiln standing on one of my firebox grate arches....and it collapsed underneath me...
So I now have the opportunity to redo the firebox grate arches and make them stronger.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Loading Door!!!

I was able to mortar down my loading door today!!

Next is to finish building the wooden form for the Kiln arch!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Back at it!

So after spending the winter in Oregon working with and learning from the Astoria Dragon Kiln, I am back in Ohio continuing to work on my own wood-fired Kiln. First step was to put up the wood arch forms with the side loading door to build first. To help envision the door, I put together a maquette of the arch to reference while I build. Next I have to clean the arch bricks and cut so many in half, then I get to build it!

I also found a little Wren nest in a box of broken soft bricks by the Kiln.