Friday, February 27, 2009

Speaking of Beavers...

SInce we are talking of Beavers...I have also decided to make a mold of two Beaver Tails (from the same beavers that will be calcined). I was able to work on them in my new studio! It is great having all of my materials together in one large space to work with. The plaster molds are finished and drying and I hope to use them to make clay beaver tails very soon. (The other picture is of the mama and baby goat that I am temporarily sharing my studio with until it warms up...aren't they cute!)


Chad said...

awww. sooo cute. the baby that is. careful with all that fire going on!

Chad said...

sorry that last comment wasn't from chad it was from me, megan. I also wanted to say. gross about the beaver tail. poor beaver. Did you kill it or was it dead when you found it?

Anonymous said...

i told ben that image of the tail was sorta graphic, i think its the angle or something... but, it was already previously used by our friend who was trapping it for fur.