Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bricking up the arch!

Mortared down the first layer of bricks for the Kiln arch. Have to cut several brick on each row to gain the rounded shape of the Kiln, but not a problem using a Skilsaw and a Diamond tipped blade!
I see that I will need more arch brick though....

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wood Form Finished!!

I was finally able to track down some 3000 degree mortar in Pittsburgh. So I reformed my firebox grate system and touched up my side loading door using the mortar.
And I finished up the wooden form!!!!!
Trying to take care in finishing up all the details.
Next step is to brick the actual Kiln form!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Kiln Progress

The wooden support form is now almost completely on! I just have to tie it into the brick loading door...
Had a minor setback...while working on the frame I was inside the Kiln standing on one of my firebox grate arches....and it collapsed underneath me...
So I now have the opportunity to redo the firebox grate arches and make them stronger.