Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Newpaper Write Up

We had a very nice write up in the Wheeling Sunday News Register by Betsy Bethel-Mcfarland! She, very eloquently, put the story of the process together with some great photos.                    

                                                                                                               You can also go to the newspapers web site to read the article here:
Hope to see you all Thursday Night!!!!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

"Resilience" Exhibition

Upcoming Ceramics Show!
 This Thursday, November 1st at The Main Street Gallery in St. Clairsville, Ohio from 6-9 
 Featuring new ceramic work from the third firing of the Ramsey Anagama Kiln.
 Also enjoy Bagpipe music from 6:30-7:30 by Betsy Bethel-McFarland

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Third Firing Success!

The Third Firing of the Ramsey Anagama Kiln was a success! We fired for 62 hours total. The images are of the firing and a sneak peek into the Kiln at the finished work! We will unload tomorrow.

Friday, October 5, 2012

October Kiln Firing

                                     Dersu with some of the wood for the firing

Welcome to our firing....October 14-17th. We will be there 24/7 feeding 6 or so cords of wood into the kiln, so follow the signs and join the big fire.

 Directions from Wheeling/Bridgeport area: Take State Route 250 North from Bridgeport 12 miles until you reach State Route 150. Turn Right onto 150 and travel about 3 miles, look out for a sharp left hand turn onto County Road 6- before the power lines. (If you've come into Mount Pleasant, too far, turn around.) Follow this twisty road all the way down to the bottom of the hills and make a left onto Township Road 129. The kiln is about a mile and a half up the road on the right hand side. Its a gravel drive straight back into the woods! Look for signs all along the way. Please try not to drive onto our neighbors lawns. We have parking past the stone wall. Thanks!
Need more help getting here? Email,+Dillonvale,+OH&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x88367f3489de934d:0x43721a89ed63769a,249+Township+Highway+129,+Dillonvale,+OH+43917&gl=us&ei=OEVvUPS9FPOv0AGr2oCYCg&ved=0CB4Q8gEwAA