Monday, January 24, 2011

New Slide Work!!

To get ready for our show in April, we had some digital images taken of my work. I had the very fortunate opportunity to work with Andrew Croft for these. He did a wonderful job.
Check out his website:
Thank you Andrew!

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Sometimes this Kiln feels closer to being a magical dream, and sometimes it feels closer to being alive

Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year!

Now that it is the year 2011 and winter is fully upon us, I am reminding myself of why I am truly here in Ohio... (I could be in Oregon working with the Astoria Dragon Kiln and community working on their empty bowls project and spending time with my great friend Richard Rowland)
But I have chosen to stay here this winter so that I will be able to finish building my Anagama kiln here in Ramsey.
I found a passage that reflects my journey and motivates me to continue...
"Anagama potters choose to build and construct their kilns in arduous circumstances; the story of their construction becomes part of the narrative of their ceramics. In a world where many people try to take the easiest route; their story often reads like the document of an explorer, struggling against the odds to achieve unknown results" -David Jones from 'Firing'

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Cutting Wood!

Even though the Kiln is not quite finished I have to still prepare everything else for THE firing in March!
I am cutting through a big pile of Pine with a little oak for front wood, which a little bit of needs split. And I am trying to prepare side wood too... The two pictures are of an Apple tree that I cut down, bucked up, and then split for side wood.
I have to have my wood good and dry, or else it wouldn't matter if I finished the kiln in time for my APril show or not....